Grants Given in 2019
Anson Crusade had an urgent request which the board approved. This county wide revival occurred last week with several thousand people attending and 40 churches of all races participating. Ben and I attended and were touched at the commitment these people have for taking Anson County for Jesus. The $5,000 grant was greatly appreciated.
The Father’s Storehouse sent an application in January. Here’s a link to their website They are a food and clothing bank and provide other services. Because they teach bible studies and pray, they are not eligible for public dollar support. They have asked for $5,000 or whatever we feel led to grant.
Your Choices Randolph County applied for a grant last year to help with expenses associated with an ultrasound machine. Before the board would proceed with the application it was requested that homework be done on the spiritual ministry of the organization. I talked with Caralyn Vaughn who sent the attached data below on their work in sharing Jesus. Does this information help answer questions? Is their support for a grant for this organization? And if yes, They requested $10,000 which is more than our normal grant amount. What would be the recommended amount.
Warrenton Church of God sent in a grant application last year and because of my surgery it fell through the cracks. They are continually doing community outreach and are a very small church with modest finances. They have requested $1,000.